About Our Ragdoll Cats
The Ragdoll cat is a gorgeous Semi-long haired cat with a color point coat and striking blue eyes. Their hair coat is known for being soft and silky and some even call it a "bunny coat". These cats are known for being large and muscular. Their temperament is docile, playful but also lazy and very friendly.
Here are pictures of our beautiful Ragdoll cats! We got out Ragdoll Cats in 2018 and absolutely love them.
We first got Gemma. Gemma is a Torti Ragdoll. She looks mostly Seal Point. She is as sweet as can be with a soft quiet meow. Gemma loves to be pet and scratched under the chin. She will hide in our house but always come out from hiding when her name is called.
WE HAVE 2 Tom Cats now!:
1) Stanley is our tom from RUSSIA! He is absolutely stunning and just jaw dropping to look at. Stanley is a Blue Bi-Color Ragdoll cat. His beautiful blue eyes will have you staring at him for hours. Stanley loves to roll over on his back and meow for pets. He also loves a good chin stroke until his big paws come out to bat your hands and beg to play. He is as docile as they come and wouldn't hurt a fly!
2) Rogger is from California (Ragmeister Ragdolls) is is so loving and sweet!

Above is Gemma our Torti- Seal Ragdoll momma! She carries so many colorful genes and has had a few full Seal Point kittens, but. mostly Blue- Colors.
Cuddling on the left with Stanley is FERN! She is a loving momma!
Here she is lounging around the living room with Stanely!

Meet another Queen ~ "Pricilla" our Blue Torti-Ragdoll! She is adorable and sweet!
Below is "Roger" he is our New addition Male to our Ragdoll Cattery! He is so handsome and loving! There is my husband Tim snuggling Rogger after he kept tapping Tims shoulder for attention. :)

Meet Lindsay and Tim

Our rag doll cats our considered our family! We love them to pieces. They roam the house free, sleep in our beds and yup eat on the counter tops. :)

In the Sunny town of Boca Raton Florida